08 October 2008

hot topic and malware

Webroot has detected that here is a way of new way for hackers to make spurious blog containing Malware.

This is the first time ever, hackers exploits Google from topic which is popular and trend-still searched by many people. Topic that multitude, like for example occurence of finance saving America / Bail out or president campaign in America.
Those topic is true the next heat, and enter highest rangking in the world of illusory. Hacker tried made new news and last video enters to their spurious blog.

The case appeared is really equal, that it will trick internet users to download video drivers or codec. Thus an informational is given, that is the computer does not support the codec required, and program that is being downloaded is not video driver, but malware

Webroot recommends to take action as follows :
  • Always update antivirus, antispyare and activate firewall.
  • Don't download free program or software, or buying from flybynight source, entered from network Peer to peer.
  • Download codec driver from source that you recognize
  • Ascertained Windows is always update and in patch
  • Don't use card debit to conduct shopping, it is better to use credit card with card owner protection
adapted from obengware
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17 September 2008

Google Earth - Google Map

Google earth and Google Map. Both those words can be used for direction. Google earth focus in free application to see the world from space sky, and using NASA satellite. Now almost whole surface throughout the earth can seen by this program, Google Earth.

A part from Google Earth, Google Map is a web based application. If Google Earth must be downloaded, with a larger scale of GPS tracking as direction, the Google Map is more simple. The web-based feature has made Google Map it easier to use.

Actually both Google Earth and Google Map is using the same system, like the display of earth contour, satellite imaging, and road direction.

If you and your partner has been getting used to using internet, there is one easy way using Google Map service. Not only your address is easy to find, even visually you can truely see the exact address through Google maps.

The writing above is only one simple example of using Google Technology - Google Earth and Google Map. Other utilization of Google Earth or Google Map is, it can easily applied during your vacation. Simply plug-in to your GPS, and the facility of Google Earth and Google Map will help your journey out.

adapted from obengware
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15 September 2008

centrino atom

Centrino Atom becomes new name of computer with Atom processor, as the previous chip package previously called Menlow. Centrino Atom are interpreted as the peripheral that use chipset and Atom processor.

Centrino Atom maybe equalized as platform in miniature, type of computer which is handheld and made as Mobile Internet Devices / MID.

Atom it self is described as Netbook. Whereas the Centrino Atom comes nearly as computer laptop. Intel does not permit name ‘Centrino Atom’ if the peripheral still using 2 chips disjointed with Atom. continue reading...